Monday, December 31, 2012

Learning How to Crochet!
Hey everyone Leah here again (Sorry I failed majorly in the whole keeping in touch department...) But while I was working on my newest crochet project I couldn't help but remember when I was learning how to crochet. I tried to make my boyfriend Joseph an afghan... And well... lets just say with the way it ended crocheting left a nasty taste in my mouth. My yarn got knotted up, I was gaining and losing stitches, my tension was all over the place, and on top of that the family kitten wouldn't leave the yarn alone!
But I'm here to say it's really not that hard, once I got the right teacher and was taught how to read the patterns, and started off with a much smaller project (a scarf that Joseph loves!) It was addicting, extremely easy, and I just HAD to make more and more and more and more until Joseph finally suggested that I open a shop and sell them (this is where Etsy came into Courtney and my lives)!

So all of this came into mind while I was working on my new cardigan...
And I decided that I'm going to start teaching how to crochet on our blog!
First things first for those skeptics out there who think crocheting is only for scarves, afghans and hats... you're gravely mistaken! Did you know you can make jewelry with crocheting, tunics, purses (I mean nice purses and tunics) stuffed animals, bookmarks, cardigans, and jackets, dresses even! You're imagination is your only limitation when it comes to what you can make through crocheting! So please join me next week for your first crochet lesson and I promise you, you won't be disappointed!

Supplies for next weeks lesson...
Image curtousy of Pinterest

  • A crochet hook preferably hook size H/8-5.00MM (when you but a package of hooks it'll tell you what size(s) your getting on the package list... but if you already have the hooks (having had experiences like I did... you'll notice there's a part of the hook that more flat than rounded, it'll give you the size measurements in there!) The hook can be metal or plastic... I prefer metal hooks myself but that's because I crochet very often and they last longer
  • Yarn, this can either be scraps you have around the house or you can go out and get some. Now there's some things we should note about the yarn before you buy any..
  1. For your first project you really should get a simple acrylic yarn (acrylic will be written on the label of the yarn). Try to avoid balls of yarn that have extra frill to them. Simpler is better for your first project! 
  2. You really should get a medium worsted weight... this means that it'll have this symbol (on the left) on the label of the yarn.

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